80% of Americans agree they would benefit from having basic financial education and information.

Source: The 2013 Consumer Financial Literacy Survey, The National Foundation for Credit Counseling

Dealing with your finances can be overwhelming. Without the necessary comprehension, many feel ill-equipped to make the significant financial decisions we face today. In an effort to continuously provide you with information that could impact your financial portfolio and make informed decisions, we have developed an educational program consisting of workshops, webinars, and a variety of communications, all designed to educate and inform you about issues that have affected or could impact your financial situation.


On an ongoing basis, Hughes Financial Services hosts a number of workshops and webinars that focus on areas we believe are most relevant and timely to our clients’ financial situations. Topics include but are not limited to:

  • Estate Planning

  • Managing Your Retirement Income

  • Risks in Retirement

  • Cybersecurity

  • Preparing for Retirement

  • Economic Market Updates

  • Tax Law Changes

  • Social Security

  • Roth IRAs

Our workshops and webinars are commitment and sales-pitch free and are open to our clients and their friends, family members, and colleagues. We encourage our clients to invite guests who may also benefit from the material provided during our workshops.

Current Workshops

Current Webinars

Recording from Past Webinars


Quarterly Economic Update Newsletter

An in-depth and timely perspective on the markets with a close look at issues that may affect the markets or your investment portfolio on a quarterly basis

Click here for the most recent version of the Quarterly Economic Update Newsletter

Tax Impact Report

Insight provided twice a year on tax-related issues that may impact your investment portfolio and potential strategies you should consider employing to maximize your financial assets

Click here for the most recent version of the Taximpact Report

Articles & Checklists

Designed to provide information on issues such as retirement planning, tax strategies, estate planning, financial risks, and more

Click here to access our list of articles